Friday 6 April 2012

Lession 1:- The greatest mistake to avoid while starting Business Venture.

After a certain period of time, every person looking to grow and excel is interested in starting one or the other business venture. But starting business venture is not easy like preparing Maggi noodles in two minutes. The venture needs lots of research, investment, confidence, commitment, patience along with faith to succeed.

The first mistake usually committed by budding entreprenuers is thinking big and starting in a big way.This is prone to accidents, but its the ego of the entreprenuer which back him to start a business venture which is big as he wishes to be called as a big business promoter. Dont commit these mistakes!!Commiting these mistake is as dangerous as committing a nonbailable  crime. No one will come to save your ass.

What should budding entreprenuer do ?
The first thing you should do is understand your potential, along with check for the resources which can prove helpful in supporting your new venture.
Mr Raj , is a marketing manager with a leading finance company, and is looking to start his own business. Rather than starting a DSA, which is again the first thing that comes in the mind of the finance marketing professional, he should see the business history of his family, and check how he can gather support in starting a new business venture.

But again the entrprenuers commit mistake to start photocopy of a successfull business running by any of the family member, or joining the existing business. A finance guy should not think of starting an advertising agency , as it is a creative business and not a number game.